Jazz and Marlin discuss what they want in their relationships.
Almost as soon as the door closed behind him, Jazz turned tail and ran back down the hill, practically bouncing off of the air itself as he slid to a stop in front of Vesta's farm.
"Marlin!" he called from the pathway. Marlin perked his head up, raising an eyebrow curiously as he hopped the fence and waved at Jazz.
"What is it? Problems at your farm?" He asked, tilting his head. Jazz shook his head in reply.
"Oh no, nothing like that. Just wanted to clarify something with you."
Marlin paused, nodding slowly. "Why don't we discuss this over drinks? I'll pay."
Jazz nodded in agreement, the two walking to the bar and sitting at the counter. Griffin raised an eyebrow, turning around to face the two,
"What're you two doin' here so early? You know the bar's not open for another hour..."
"Just a couple iced tea, Griff - we needed to discuss somethin' privately, and this is the closest place we've got." Marlin explained, Griffin nodding silently as he fixed the two drinks, handing them to the men.
"Alright, I'll get outta your hair then; just knock on the door if you need me before the bar's open." He said, giving them a passive wave as he left the room.
"Now..." Marlin paused, folding his fingers together and sighing deeply. "This is about Lajos, isn't it."
"Ah... yeah. Kind of. He didn't want me to ask about it, but I just..."
"I get it. Wanna look out for your friend and all." Marlin chuckled, taking a sip of his tea. "It's not that he's a bad guy - hell, he's damn fine for a drifter, and I'd certainly... well, I wouldn't say no if he'd asked. Let's leave it at that." He gave Jazz a coy wink.
"Well." He replied, making a face into his cup. "I suppose that tracks; you two like each other, but..."
"But I want a definite, concrete relationship. He wants a free trip to my bedsheets." Marlin sighed, "Maybe it's because he reminds me of Pete. He's confident, he's bold, he knows what he wants and why he wants it, just like he did."
"Except in the end, Pete ended up marrying Ann and moving to Mineral Town."
"Yeah... because I didn't say anything." Marlin's face fell. "Honestly, maybe Vesta's right. I should try and see something I like in Celia... or at least, like, anybody in the valley."
"Why'd she suggest Celia specifically? Is it because they're related..."
"No, actually - Vesta's my sister." Marlin laughed, "You're not the first to confuse us like that; it's part of why I'm kind of hesitant about her."
"What's the other part?"
"She... just isn't my type? Weird, that the farmer boy doesn't want the farmer girl, but I just...." His brow furrowed as he tried to assemble his words. "I can't really describe it. She doesn't.... do... anything for me, I guess?"
"Nah, that makes sense." Jazz shrugged. "What do you like in a partner?"
"Well, they have to be dependable. I'm not gonna date someone who'll flake on me, or who'd just end up parking their butt all day while I do the heavy lifting. If I ask for help, I expect help when it's possible."
"Okay... what else?"
"Gotta enjoy a good drink now and again." Marlin laughed. "Oh! Someone who can cook, too... I've never been great at it myself." He looked up at Jazz. "What about you?"
"Oh... well..." He paused. "He-- they'd have to be... Funny. Interesting, too! Someone I could sit down and talk with for hours, you know?" He looked at Marlin, who nodded in reply, motioning for him to continue. "And, like... they'd have to be... chill. Someone I can ask for help when I need it, who'll offer me help if I need it, but really... just, someone I can talk to while I'm running around the house. Like, I'll be in the kitchen making... I dunno, yam chips. And they'd be on the couch, watching TV or reading and just... talking to me."
"Are you that socially starved?" Marlin joked, Jazz rolling his eyes and playfully slugging his arm. "Hey! I like the thought behind it. You don't even really want someone to bed them; you want another presence in your house that isn't, you know, your own thoughts."
"Or Lajos stealing my booze." Jazz said, laughing. "I guess you're right, though - I'm not even looking for someone I can love physically, just someone.... I guess someone I can love emotionally? I mean, if the opportunity arises, yeah, I would do it in a heartbeat, but that's not what I'm looking for."
"I get it. Not the main goal, but a nice bonus." Marlin chuckled, "Anyone in the Valley catch your attention yet?"
Jazz paused. Time briefly stood still, the moment catching him off guard.
Was there someone in the valley he liked? ...Better question, would he ever admit to it? Neither question seemed like a 'yes.' Time would only tell, naturally, if anything his heart desired would truly play out as he had hoped.
He looked down. The tea in his glass had vanished; all that remained was ice and a single, sad lemon. Marlin chuckled, setting his glass aside.
"I guess I'll hear an answer to that later, then." He said, "Hell, maybe you'll get together with Lajos and take him off of my hands." he added jokingly. Jazz chuckled, somewhere between enjoying the joke and realizing something he would simply have to tuck away to deal with later.
The two stood up, smiling at each other as Griffin made his way back to the countertop, diligently scooping the glasses up and cleaning them off as other patrons began to file into the bar; Carter among them, waving at Jazz and smiling as he quickly scampered out the door.
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version 1.0.4
last updated: aug 24 2022