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Town of Salem

Lifelink | Rating: Mature

"Be mine, Liric."

"I've loved every moment we've shared together. Our walks in town, the time we've spent together in the clearing, you visiting me at home, I... I want to make that forever for us."

Lovers: You and your Lover are life-linked. Should one die, the other will also die.

Coven's Goal: Take over the town, no matter how many cycles it takes.

Melody and Liric's Goal: Get Salem out of this mess.

warnings: major character death, graphic violence
fandom: town of salem, town of salem 2
characters: melody (oc), liric, jackie, rosemary,
relationships: liric/melody
filed under: lifelink

at the fringes of the party | Rating: Teen

Gerald steps away from a party in the center of town to curb a feeling of over-stimulation. Francisco brings him some food and polite company.

warnings: none
fandom: town of salem, town of salem 2
characters: gerald, francisco
relationships: gerald/francisco
filed under: lifelink

all i do is bug people | Rating: General

Gerald steps away from a party in the center of town to curb a feeling of over-stimulation. Francisco brings him some food and polite company.

warnings: none
fandom: town of salem, town of salem 2
characters: gerald, francisco
relationships: gerald/francisco
filed under: lifelink

Harvest Moon

The Boys | Rating: Teen

Jazzebel (Jazz for short) is a city boy down on his luck and at the end of his rope... and what else is a depressed city slicker to do besides drop out of school, move out of the city, and settle down in a freshly-abandoned farmhouse in a quaint little country valley?

warnings: none
fandom: harvest moon, harvest moon ds
characters: jazz (oc), lajos (oc), carter (awl/hmds), flora, marlin, celia
relationships: marlin/oc (lajos),
chapters: 16/??
word count: 22,567
filed under: the boys

are you listening to yourself? | Rating: General

Carter finds himself realizing something that explains so much. Takes place after his yellow heart event.

warnings: none
fandom: harvest moon, harvest moon ds
characters: flora, carter (awl/hmds)
relationships: none
filed under: the boys

Spirit Whisper | Rating: General

A revelation disrupts his very being. The Harvest Goddess (well, actually Flora) gives him a new direction.

warnings: none
fandom: harvest moon, harvest moon ds
characters: flora, carter (awl/hmds), the harvest goddess (hmds)
relationships: none
filed under: other


Among U.Z.Z. | Rating: Teen

It started with Professor Professor.

warnings: major character death, graphic violence
fandom: the secret show
characters: changed daily, special agent ray, special agent kowalski, kent b. trusted, victor volt, anita knight, doctor doctor, professor professor, the impostors
relationships: none
filed under: misc. oneshots