Chapter 16: It's a Date

Lajos sighed, whistling quietly as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. Jazz had finally told him Marlin had recovered; he had responded a little harshly to not being told sooner - he could make it up to Jazz later.

Right now, he wanted to go say hello. He left his house, walking down the hill, following the same path as always. Marlin was already waiting for him outside the storefront; the bandages had come off of his hand, revealing a fresh pink scar. He waved, smiling wide as Lajos jogged over to him.

"Glad that you made it. Sorry I missed you last week." Marlin started, scratching the back of his neck. "I, uh... did Jazz give you the thing I sent?"

Lajos nodded, "It was a nice surprise... I mean, how often do you get a new shirt from a completely normal and platonic friend?"

Marlin laughed, "Hey! I figured it'd be a nice gift; something to, yknow, properly welcome you to the valley... 'sides, I can't really give you a fruit basket." He shrugged, grinning. "Did you still want to go to the beach today?"

Lajos thought about it, putting a hand on his chin. "...Nah." He said after a pause, "Let's go to the waterfall instead."

The two walked up towards the waterfall, Lajos' fingers subconsciously intertwining with Marlin's. The area was devoid of people, quiet save for the waterfall's beckoning roar. Lajos set a blanket down on the edge of the river, Marlin placing a basket down as the two sat. Birds were chirping overhead; Marlin picked up a sandwich from the basket, handing it to Lajos as he pulled out a container of rice. Next, he pulled out two cans - one of sparkling water, one of cheap wine. He handed the wine to Lajos, the two clinking cans together and opening them while grinning.

"What made you invite me, huh?" Lajos asked, setting the can down and taking a bite of his sandwich. "Just tired of beating around the bush?"

Marlin laughed. "Well, I thought you would appreciate an impromptu, casual date. You seem like you enjoy the simple things."

Lajos shook his head, chuckling. "I see!" He gave Marlin a look, raising his eyebrow and grinning. "You wanted to take me for a test drive."

Marlin took a bite of his rice, chasing it with a sip from his water. "Well, I wouldn't word it quite like that." He said with a smirk, "More just wanting to... Maybe... get things off the ground? Get that ball rolling, finally?"

"A love confession?" Lajos' face lit up.

"I dunno, you got that a couple weeks ago." He smirked, sticking his tongue out. "Where's my love confession, huh?"

Lajos paused for a moment, cheeks pink as he thought. Slowly, he spun his sandwich around in his hands, offering Marlin the unbitten side. Marlin looked at the sandwich, then at him, before spinning the sandwich back around and taking a bite next to Lajos's; he handed Lajos his bowl of rice, Lajos grinning as he took a small bite.

"Sharing your food is a confession now, then?" Marlin chuckled, shaking his head and shrugging. "...I like it."

"It's short, sweet, and to the point." Lajos smiled. Unlike the rest of their conversation, the tone of his voice radiated warmth, the wide smile on his face full of love. "A little bit like me, really."

"Makes sense to me." Marlin grinned, playfully half-ruffling his hair. Lajos grumbled, biting the air as he quickly fixed what he'd messed up. "H-hey!"

"I spent all morning brushing it!" Lajos protested, laughing. "Don't touch!"

"Alright, fine!" Marlin laughed, scooting a little closer to Lajos. "Maybe if I can't touch your hair..."

His rough, warm hands touched Lajos' soft, round face, pulling him closer. Lajos gasped, sighing softly as their lips met again - the two holding on tighter than before, only pulling away after eternity had passed.

"...I can touch your face and lips."

"A-and my heart." Lajos mumbled, face bright red as he smiled. "D-Do I even... yknow... do I gotta say it..."

"Well, whatever it is," Marlin pushed a lock of blonde hair away from Lajos's face. "I love you, too."

He felt his heart swell. Love. That's what that word was. Four letters that he sank into, sighing softly.

"You're going to stay in the Valley, right?"

Lajos paused, "I'd need a more solid place to stay. I'm just staying at Takakura's, remember?"

"I'll see if we can't get you something built when the new year rolls around." Marlin kissed Lajos's forehead. He smiled, wrapping his arms around Marlin and pulling himself into his lap.

"I'd appreciate that a lot."

Some time later, he found himself laying alone in his hammock, fingers interlocked with each other as he thought about the day. It... huh. That was a date, wasn't it? He chuckled to himself, sitting up and feeling his fingers move betwixt each other; he would be able to see another man's hand entwined with his own. The thought felt apotheotic, visions of prospective futures amalgamating in his mind.

Wherever his road was leading, he was more than willing to travel it.


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