An interesting confession makes its way to Cain's church.
"What would you have the Goddess forgive you for?"
It was the same thing he asked anyone seeking repentance. Most of the villagers didn't ask for it, at least not on Sundays. Yet, here sat one of the village's most pleasant people, looking uncharacteristically meek.
"Adultery." The other man said, quietly, plainly.
"Adultery?" He leaned in, raising an eyebrow. "You were only married a month ago, Chet."
"That's why I'm confessing to it now, Cain." Chet sighed. "I love Rosie, truly I do, a-and yet..."
"Who else casts such emotion into your heart?" Cain put a hand on his chin.
"Sara, that farmer girl." he sighed, "I-It was a moment of weakness, ages ago, and yet... I can't seem to stay away. She asks me, and I'm at her beck and call."
"Go on," Cain's voice shifted, imperceptible to Chet. "Confess all your sins; tell the Goddess exactly what you've done."
"It started, well, it started a few months ago. We ran into each other at the hot springs... she was already resting up, we traded flirtatious comments - I can't recall why, but, well, - next thing we know, she's got me... well, in the spring, and all worked up."
Cain leaned in, staring at Chet through the latticed wall; he couldn't ascertain why, yet the situation he described... it intrigued him.
"So she dives under the water and, ah... performs on me, in the middle of the spring. Nobody was around to see, thank the Goddess, but..." He bit his lip; looking away. "I've savored the feeling since. The rush of fear, the sensation of her lips, the dance of her tongue..."
Cain shuffled a bit, watching as he sighed.
"We've done more, here and there; she may have taken me to her farmhouse once or twice..."
"All the way to the farmhouse...? Surely Rosie must have asked where you'd been..."
"I was always honest with her; I would tell her I went to Sara's farm... just not why I'd gone there. I'm the master of animal husbandry in this town; going to her farm constantly simply means she needs help with the cows and chickens."
"A half-truth," Cain clicked his tongue, "fitting for a dirty boy like you." he muttered under his breath, the slowly-increasing tightness beneath his robes growing unignorable. "What would you two do at the farmhouse?"
"Ah... each other." He chuckled, shaking his head. "For lack of better words."
"Now, now - the Goddess is here too, Chet." Cain whispered, almost teasingly. "You know what she desires. I don't suspect you would be here before me and her if you didn't have at least one moment you... revel in."
"W-Well, there was one..." He took a deep breath, "She welcomes me into her home; we enjoy a small meal together, I... I must admit, I may have made the first move this time, once we were finished eating, I had pulled her onto the bed and - well, faster than either of us had anticipated, I suppose - we were both naked, her body on top of mine, her hands holding me to the bed as she slid herself onto me."
Chet paused, and Cain silently hissed, impatient. Why was he loving this? Why was he so into this?
"Oh, that woman... The way her body moved against mine, the way she felt around my... my length. Even thinking about it now feels sinful."
"You're not getting aroused by your own confession, are you?" Cain locked eyes with him, "Dare I even let you finish this tale, letting you take pleasure in being a sinner?"
"Y-You must understand, Cain... that woman's voice when she reaches her climax, it's melodious, it's invigorating, it... oh, it makes you feel like a stallion!"
I suppose a "stallion" would need more than one mare to feel fulfilled, wouldn't he? He muttered to himself, raising an eyebrow and motioning for Chet to carry on.
"B-But, yes... she rode me, she took me in as deep as she could, let herself, well, cum all along my cock... she probably would've allowed me to finish inside her if I didn't ask her to suck on it again."
"Making her taste her own pleasure against your member?" Cain clicked his tongue, shaking his head - feeling his cheeks grow warm and his own member start to twitch in his underwear.
"She... well, she quite liked it - and not a drop of seed was wasted, either."
"Well, not wasted on the floor, at least... " He chuckled. "You seem... relieved, somehow."
"Isn't that the point of confession? To be freed of your sins and feel refreshed?"
"This is true; I never said you feeling better was inherently bad, Chet - more... rather." He chuckled, hand on the lattice, fingers curling on it. "Why do I get the suspicion... you'll be here again soon?"
"Because Sunday's a few days away?"
"Because I suspect," Cain chuckled lowly, "You'll be here sooner than that."
Chet got to his feet, bowing before the lattice. "At any rate, may the Goddess forgive me."
"May she forgive you, indeed."
Chet took his leave, and Cain leaned back, wholly hidden from view, hand drifting down to his legs, feeling himself leap at the touch of even his own hands.
Would the Harvest Goddess really care? He was meant to remain celibate, sure, but... The fog consumed his thoughts; his hand deftly weaving through the robes, into his pants, pulling his throbbing, twitching, so very sensitive dick out into the open.
He wouldn't be expecting anyone else for the rest of the day, and he couldn't hold it back any longer. He spat into his hand, slowly pulling his saliva-covered palm along his shaft, leaning into his hand as he stroked.
The thoughts in his mind - A mouth around his shaft, the sensation of a swift tongue against the head, hands caressing his balls - they were overbearing, Cain finding himself immersed in them as he leaned, back to the wall, his other hand under his shirt tugging on his nipples...
It barreled him over quickly, taking him all at once as he bit back a rapturous cry, seed painting his thigh as he gasped, shuddering, sliding back onto his seat as his face met his hands.
He wasn't sure if he needed a spouse... or more vulgar confessions.
read me elsewhere: ao3
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last updated: aug 24 2022