His tone and thoughts were completely diverted now, curious as to how the empress-to-be, the woman who could command armies with a flick of her wrist and had a fire in her eye that could bring a man to his knees, could still be... a *virgin.*
Her brown hair fanned out behind her as she lay in bed, fingers idly circling her stomach as she sighed. The boys were out, doing what she didn't know - hunting for dinner or bothering Stormcloaks, she figured - and with any luck, they'd return with a good meal and a better story.
She had opted to stay behind for once; her clothes lay in a haphazard pile on the shack floor, jewelry locked tight at the bedside. They'd always said how naked she felt without her treasured amulet... part of her hoped that none of them would walk in as she relaxed in her undergarments, not bothering to disturb the flimsy furs that kept them warm at night.
She drifted between consciousness and slumber for a bit, snapping into the former when the door popped open, its rusted hinges whimpering then screeching as one of them had returned; shaking the snow off of his faded blue cloak before closing the door behind him. He looked at her, his red-pink eyes gazing into her blue eyes.
"You look rather comfortable, my empress." he said teasingly, lowering his hood and allowing his unkempt, half-braided hay blonde hair to tumble free. "Must be nice, relaxing in your underwear while your three male associates hunt and bring you food."
She laughed, sitting upright and half throwing a fur over her legs. "I was tired!" She protested, playfully rolling her eyes. "If you're back, where are Marth and Lial?"
"Eh, still busy... Marth thought he saw another dragon, and Lial needed some more moths; sent me back here with the next week's dinner." He shrugged, turning around and making sure the door was closed - locked, even - before taking his cloak off completely, tossing it to the side. "Of course, they leave me with a three hundred pound bear carcass to drag a half mile back home... only to find the one bed in the whole shack occupied." He looked over his shoulder, eye glittering.
"I mean, I can get out... I'm not even all that tired." She grinned, turning to get out of bed - interrupted by him diving onto the bed, pulling her into a hug.
"But I need to warm back up!" He said playfully, pulling her to face him and kissing her lips gently. She sighed softly.
"Tell you what. Get the rest of that wet and bloody armor off of the royal bed, I'll help you warm back up. Deal?" She offered, grinning. He nodded, nudging her off of him as he got to his feet, unstrapping the armor and tossing it to the floor with an anticlimactic clang against the cold, half-damp wood. "That's better." she purred, looking up at him.
"As for you, my lady?"
"You don't have to be so formal, Alys." She grinned, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into the bed. "Just get over here so we can warm up."
His face flushed, tinges of pink making their debut on his ashen blue-gray face. "Well, I suppose..." He laid in bed with her, her body cuddling up against his arm, almost purring as he chuckled. "Actually, um, R-Reyfa..."
She looked up at him, "What is it?"
"I did have... um... something you could help with."
Her brow furrowed, mulling the words around as she tried to figure out what he meant. "I-In bed? I've never done something like that before..."
His eyes widened, his face going from awkwardly flushed to confusedly flushed. "A gorgeous woman like yourself hasn't found herself in bed with anyone??"
"Not like that, no!" Her face was red now, looking away and rubbing her arm. "I started my training before I started 'growing', and only finished up... a few months ago, really." She looked... ashamed, lamenting something now lost. "I didn't have a lot of, well, options in that department. When everyone around you is a divine, you know..."
"You never thought about them like that, though?" His tone and thoughts were completely diverted now, curious as to how the empress-to-be, the woman who could command armies with a flick of her wrist and had a fire in her eye that could bring a man to his knees, could still be... a virgin.
"Good grief, of course not. Akatosh has my dad's face, Talos is I'm pretty sure my..." she counted on her fingers. "Great-great-great distant relative, the others didn't really bother with me, and I wasn't exactly in contact with the Daedra while I was training..." Her face hit her hands and she sighed. "Yeah. That's all it is, Alys - I've never done it, had the need to do it, much of a desire to, and..." she shrugged, "Well, have I had time to figure this out yet?"
"You probably wouldn't be anxiously babbling about it to me if you did." He chuckled, shrugging. "I mean... do you want me to teach you?"
She paused, "T-Teach me?" she mumbled, her face growing hot.
"If you don't want to, we don't have to, okay?" His voice was soft and calm, hand caressing Reyfa's face. "I can be as gentle as you need."
She hesitated, before nodding. "Of course... I'd rather you do it, anyway." She giggled.
"Well..." Alys smiled, reaching to take his shirt off. He tossed it away, tugging his pants off quickly. Reyfa reached up to undo her bra, only to be stopped by Alys, who tenderly undid it himself and dropping it to the floor, revealing her bare breasts. He gently took one in his hand, looking at her inquisitively as he traced a thumb against her nipple. She shuddered, gasping softly as her eyes lit up. "It's important to know where your sensitive places are..."
"A-Anything else?" She looked excited now, looking up at him and grinning. He lifted her up, pressing her against the wall as their lips met again. She sighed, relaxing as he kissed her deeper; she leaned into the kiss too, giggling as their teeth accidentally clattered together.
"Watch where your face goes, sweet." He purred, pushing himself closer and easing his tongue into her mouth. She parroted his motion, the two tongues dancing as Alys's grip tightened around Reyfa's back. Her legs instinctively wrapped around Alys's back, and he chuckled, pressing himself against her - she felt something press between her legs. "M-Maybe I can show you something else... we already know you adore when your lips meet mine."
He set her down on the bed, stepping back. Reyfa raised an eyebrow, staring at the bulge that had appeared in his underwear - he pulled it away, revealing his member in full. "Do you want me to remove yours?"
She thought about it, before nodding - his arms reached over and pulled her underwear away. Her lips were as flush as her face, excitement plainly obvious. "Wh-what do you plan to do...?"
"Well," He leaned down, looking her in the eyes. "If you'd like, I could... insert myself inside you... but, if you want to wait on that, there's other things we can do." He smiled reassuringly as she sat up, scooting closer.
"Could I... touch it?" She asked, half-mumbling. "That sounds dumb..."
"No, no, it's not dumb - go ahead!" He guided her hand, shuddering as her fingers wrapped around his shaft, her hand moving slowly. "Y-Yeah... keep moving your hand like that."
"That's... good?"
He nodded eagerly, biting his lip. "So... so fucking good."
Her ears seemed to perk up - she'd never heard Alys swear like that before, and certainly not with that tone of voice. "Should I... go faster?"
He nodded eagerly, and she slowly increased her hand's speed, feeling him pulsate in her hand as his hips bucked. One eye was shut tight, the other barely open as he gazed at her satisfying him. For having no experience whatsoever... she had the motions down, he mused to himself.
She slowed down, rather suddenly; he opened his eyes a little more to find her staring at it, mentally debating something - he couldn't quite divine what, given the clouded state of his pleasure-addled mind - before pulling herself closer, slowly tracing her tongue against his head. He whimpered excitedly, motioning frantically for her to come closer - she brought him closer, licking along his shaft and giggling as he crumbled. "I bet you thought I was going to be the one falling apart, huh..."
"F-For someone who's never done this before.. y-you are e-exceptional at finding my weak spots."
"Exceptional? I figured you were... well... didn't you say that the longer you go, the more sensitive you get?" She planted a soft, suckling kiss on the tip, hearing him whine. "No matter where I touch you, you seem to melt in my hand..."
He groaned, whining as she stopped stroking, looking up at him, "Why don't we... well, why don't we try that first thing we talked about?"
"Y-you want me to put it in...?" He bit his lip, contemplating it. "But what if I... well, I had something else in mind."
"What do you want, then?"
He inhaled through his teeth, looking away, "I-I want you to... suck on it."
She raised an eyebrow, weighing the two possibilities in her head. "...Well..." She grabbed his hand, pulling herself off the bed - accidentally pushing him onto the bed, "AH! Sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"N-No, it's fine, Rey..." His eyes glittered with excitement. "J-just... kneel down, follow my lead, okay?"
She knelt, hands on her thighs as she gazed up at him - she looked almost reverent, the glow of the single lantern in the room acting as if it were her holy glow, a mark of what her bloodline was.
Yet here she was, awaiting the command of a commoner; he looked down at her, motioning for her to lean forward - she did so, licking the tip again as he mumbled something profane under his breath. "M-Move your head down..."
She did as she was told, wrapping her mouth gently around the tip and closing her eyes. He tasted salty, smelling of... well, mostly of sweat and animal fat, with tinges of something else... what, she couldn't describe, but a scent she found irresistible. He gasped as he felt her head move slowly, tongue along the bottom of his shaft.
"M-Move your tongue more." He said, gasping as she swirled her tongue slowly, head bobbing. He moaned quietly, inhaling sharply as she moved herself forward just a little bit more - pulling him deeper into her mouth. "D-Don't overdo it, o-okay?"
She mumbled something, rendered incoherent by his cock in her mouth, giggling as she continued to suck, stroking the part of his length she didn't have in his mouth; he inhaled sharply, her name escaping his lips as a desperate, eager gasp.
She stuck her head down as far as her mouth would allow her, tongue dragging behind her head as she pulled away, leaving his spit-laden cock twitching at the brink and begging for release. "You're still not done...?"
"I-I can finish up on my own if you're t-tired..." He said breathlessly, hands clenched together so as to not subconsciously finish himself off.
"N-No, Alys, I..." she laid on the bed next to him, turning to face him. "I still want to feel you in there, remember?"
His face was warm as he got out of bed, looking at her and smiling. She nodded, motioning for him to continue. He took his thumb, gently tracing it between her lips, along her clit - an surprised, aroused gasp escaping as he brought his thumb up to his mouth, licking it clean. He brought his thumb back down, spreading her lips and positioning himself carefully, easing himself into her.
She gasped; he filled her perfectly, she moaned as he slowly thrust his way deeper, finding a rhythm once he fully entered her. The sensation fogged her mind, clouding her brain with euphoria as he slowly moved his hips. "Th-this feels good..."
"Good... you f-feel a-amazing..." he hissed, moaning. She was tight, her own excitement throbbing against his cock, pulling him deeper, practically begging him to release, "You're so... so..." He could barely speak, hands gripping at her hips as if the very notion of pulling out would kill him outright. She moaned, hands behind her head, whole body on display for him.
"A-Alys..." She whined, back arching. "I-I... ah...!"
"Y-You're getting close..." He purred, looking at her. "L-Let it out, R-Rey..."
She moaned loudly, back arching as the feeling crashed through her; his hips bucked, his body quaking as he also hit his own climax, only barely ripping himself from her pussy before his cum burst out, his cock bouncing as it throbbed. His seed covered her stomach, the feelings both of them had slowly fading away as he fell back onto the bed, wiping her stomach off before pulling her close. She didn't say anything, breath heavy as she sighed,
"That felt amazing...!" Her voice was soft, full of air and delight as she melted into his arms.
"I'm glad... heh, I'm sure I'll have more where that came from." He chuckled, kissing her one more time as she dozed off. He stuck his free hand into the air, wrapping the two of them up in the furs before unlocking the door with a spell and falling asleep himself.
read me elsewhere: ao3
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version 1.0.4
last updated: aug 24 2022